Tuesday 13 March 2012

United Nations. a big SUCCESS!

if someone asks you whether the UN is really necessary, what would you say?
Let me tell you this, till now, there has not bin a world war III, who knows, if UN didn’t exist that might’ve bin different, TODAY might’ve bin different, the WORLD might’ve bin a different place entirely.
So that brings us to another question, WHAT DOES THE UN DO?
Keeping peace around the world is easier said than done, world peace wont just knock on your door and ask to come in. the UN must’ve done put years of hard work, many arguments, pleads, but in the in end, they did it, they succeeded. They’ve kept wars from exploding, missiles from being launched and stomachs from being starved. They’ve provided the poor with money, the hungry with food, the less educated with education, the sick with health. They currently have many side branches supporting humanity from different threats. UNESCO, UNICEF, WHO, are just some examples.
I take this time to thank every UN member, who, has kept this world a better place, a peace place.
Let’s take a look back to history, how this brilliant organization was formed.
After World War II, Italy and Japan the nations which opposed Germany decided that such a war must never take place again. Representatives of these nations met in San Francisco in April 1945 and planned out a document of peace in the world. This document was called the UN charter. The Charter has 19 chapters divided into 11 articles that explain the purpose and principles of the UN.
In June 1945, 50 nations signed and the UN Charter and on October 24, 1945 the UN was established.    

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